
9分钟 InsightCloudSec

Securing the Next Level: Automated Cloud Defense in Game Development with InsightCloudSec

云游戏, 由AWS等巨头提供支持, 正在改变游戏产业, offering unparalleled accessibility 和 dynamic gaming experiences. Yet, with this technological leap forward comes an increase in cyber threats.

6分钟 7快速提问


We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bring 波士顿棕熊 legend Ray Bourque into the herd as we continue to expand our Bruins jersey sponsorship.

2分钟 网络安全

Lessons from video game companies: automation unleashes robust monitoring & 可观察性

在这篇博文中, we’ll delve into how monitoring 和 可观察性 capabilities enable video game organizations to bolster their cybersecurity defenses – 和 provide a better, 更可靠的游戏体验.

19分钟 紧急威胁响应

CVE-2024-27198 和 CVE-2024-27199: JetBrains TeamCity Multiple Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities (FIXED)

Rapid7’s vulnerability research team identified two new vulnerabilities affecting JetBrains TeamCity CI/CD server: CVE-2024-27198 和 CVE-2024-27199, 这两个都是身份验证绕过.

2分钟 Metasploit


Metasploit adds an RCE exploit for ConnectWise ScreenConnect 和 new documentation for exploiting ESC13.

7分钟 伶盗龙

How To Hunt For UEFI Malware Using 伶盗龙

UEFI threats have historically been limited in number 和 mostly implemented by 民族国家行为者是隐形的持久性. 然而,最近的扩散 of Black Lotus on the dark web, Trickbot enumeration module (late 2022), 和 Glupteba (November 2023) indicates that this historical trend may be changing. With this context, it is becoming important for security practitioners to underst和 visibility 和 collection capabilities for UEFI threats [http://8l1.anchoragedev.com/info/underst和ing

4分钟 Metasploit


LDAP捕获模块 Metasploit now has an LDAP capture module thanks to the work of JustAnda7 [http://github.com/JustAnda7]. 这项工作是作为…的一部分完成的 谷歌代码之夏项目. When the module runs it will by default require privileges to listen on port 389. The module implements a default implementation for BindRequest, 搜索Request, UnbindRequest, 和 will capture both plaintext credentials 和 NTLM hashes which can be brute-forced offline. 收到成功的Bin

3分钟 脆弱性管理

High-Risk Vulnerabilities in ConnectWise ScreenConnect

2月19日, 2024 ConnectWise disclosed two vulnerabilities in their ScreenConnect remote access software. Both vulnerabilities affect ScreenConnect 23.9.7点及更早.

3分钟 InsightVM

Explanation of New Authenticated Scanning PCI DSS Requirement 11.3.1.PCI DSS V4中2个.0 和 how InsightVM can help meet the Requirement

As a Certified Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) company 和 a trusted Rapid7 partner, MegaplanIT is committed to guiding organizations through the complexities of compliance 和 security st和ards.

5分钟 Metasploit


新的获取负载 It has been almost a year since Metasploit released the new fetch 有效载荷 [http://8l1.anchoragedev.com/blog/post/2023/05/25/fetch-有效载荷-a-shorter-path-from-comm和-injection-to-metasploit-session/] 和 since then, 43 of the 79 exploit modules have had support for fetch 有效载荷. The original 有效载荷 supported transferring the second stage over HTTP, HTTPS和FTP. This week, Metasploit has expanded that protocol support to include SMB, allowing 有效载荷 to be run using rundll3

7分钟 事件响应


Rapid7 事件响应 was engaged to investigate an incident involving unauthorized access to two publicly-facing Confluence servers that were the source of multiple malware executions.

3分钟 职业发展

Paving a Path to Systems Administration: Naeem Jones’ Journey with Rapid7

Prior to becoming a Systems Administrator at Rapid7, Naeem Jones entered his career in cybersecurity through the 黑客. 多样性计划. 黑客.

9分钟 星期二补丁

补丁星期二- 2024年2月

Windows SmartScreen & Internet快捷方式. 局保护模式旁路. 交换关键的特权提升.

11分钟 漏洞的披露

CVE-2023-47218: QNAP QTS 和 QuTS Hero Unauthenticated Comm和 Injection (FIXED)

Rapid7 has identified an unauthenticated comm和 injection vulnerability in the QNAP operating system known as QTS, a core part of the firmware for numerous QNAP entry- 和 mid-level Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices.

2分钟 紧急威胁响应

Critical Fortinet FortiOS CVE-2024-21762 Exploited

CVE-2024-21762 is a critical out-of-bounds write vulnerability in Fortinet's FortiOS operating system that is known to have been exploited in the wild. Fortinet SSL VPN vulnerabilities are frequent targets for state-sponsored 和 other motivated adversaries.